Torrentday Spenser Confidential

Torrentday Spenser Confidential




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50046 Votes


director Peter Berg

duration 1 Hours, 51 Minutes

actors Alan Arkin

My jaw dropped at least 8 times during this movie. It"s so bad, and in so many ways.
Why would anyone put up money to make this movie? It"s so ill-conceived. You feel that 2 minutes into making the movie they realized that you couldn"t play this plot straight, so they shot lame scenes later on to convert it into a comedy. Action? Drama? Like I said, it never knew what it was going to be.
Apparently there"s still money out there floating around which results in this piece of garbage.
Torrentday spenser confidentiality.

It"s unimpressive but at the same time not painful to watch. You can actually enjoy some of the scenes.

Torrentday spenser confidentialite

Ok, I mean the plot is not complicated, that"s why it looks like a 90"s action movie, but it"s a good one to watch. There were some notes of comedy, wasn"t that inadequate as it often happens recently. Just fresh thing without pretending of being more. Time and again the same ideas come back and are turned into movies or books. In this case, both! Boston, the city of cops that have somehow been frozen in time since the 70s. The corruption, the dirty cops, the street violence, the lone hero. You"ve seen it all before. Yet they made a book out of it in 2013 and now a movie. The story doesn"t really make a lot of sense. All the characters are cardboard and the catharsis at the end feels entirely artificial. Yet it is also kind of fun. It brings nothing to the table, but considering there is a new generation of people who haven"t watched anything done in the 20th century, why not rehash something.
Bottom line: I still have faith in Mark Wahlberg. For some reason, I always expect him to do something spectacular. And while waiting, I keep watching these generic movies in which he is somehow not bad. This film did not suck, but it wasn"t good either. Mindless and maybe guilty pleasure fun, it has even less action than I had expected. Come on, Mark! Do that great movie already.


Torrentday Spenser confidential.